
Wing_Hair [Grus,Manuka]

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    ¥ 1,000

**There is no bone in this hair!** need poiyomi shader 8.1 포이요미 쉐이더 8.1을 사용했습니다 You Can Use in: https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/5058077 Manuka https://booth.pm/ko/items/3190100 Grus Dress in picture: https://yorushimi.booth.pm/items/3508415 in package: - Wing Hair with Wing 재배포 x 수정 o 상업적이용 > twitter @KAI_IN_VR 문의 먼저! < Redistribution x Modification o commercial use > twitter @KAI_IN_VR Inquiry first! < 再配布x 修正o 商用利用 > twitter @KAI_IN_VR お問い合わせを先にお願いします < 오류나 건의가 있다면 부디 저에게 알려주세요! If you have any errors or suggestions, please let me know! twitter : @KAI_IN_VR

Wing_Hair [Grus,Manuka]
Wing_Hair [Grus,Manuka]
**There is no bone in this hair!** need poiyomi shader 8.1 포이요미 쉐이더 8.1을 사용했습니다 You Can Use in: https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/5058077 Manuka https://booth.pm/ko/items/3190100 Grus Dress in picture: https://yorushimi.booth.pm/items/3508415 in package: - Wing Hair with Wing 재배포 x 수정 o 상업적이용 > twitter @KAI_IN_VR 문의 먼저! < Redistribution x Modification o commercial use > twitter @KAI_IN_VR Inquiry first! < 再配布x 修正o 商用利用 > twitter @KAI_IN_VR お問い合わせを先にお願いします < 오류나 건의가 있다면 부디 저에게 알려주세요! If you have any errors or suggestions, please let me know! twitter : @KAI_IN_VR